Cristian Barbarosie

Welcome to my personal page. I intend to list here some of my ideas and reflections.
You may contact me at
There is also a page in portuguese.


How to draw chess diagrams directly in PostScript.


A Python script which helps me manage the numbering (of formulae, of theorems, lemmas, etc) in documents, in the manner of LaTeX (but better). It is meant to be used on TeX documents, but can be used on any text file.

projman, a Python script which keeps track of versions of (sets of) files on different physiscal supports, and propagates modified files accordingly. [discontinued]


I have written a collection of exercices on (very low level) mathematics.

hand-writing manual, version 21.01.

Science and technology

Some videos related to robotics.

Society, sustainability

Some comments on money.
A small and easy to build rocket heater.

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